Mahajan & Aibara offers cutting-edge Risk Consulting and Internal Audit solution are designed to improve governance around key systems, processes, internal controls, ESG as well as compliances with internal policies and legal regulations powered by our proprietary tools and extensive knowledge database. Our use of advanced data analytics and technology ensures thorough, insightful audits. We pinpoint trends, detect anomalies, and evaluate risks with unmatched precision.

Our knowledge base is continually updated to reflect the latest in risks and controls , providing a wealth of industry-specific insights, benchmarks and emerging trends. When paired with our bespoke analytical tools, our audits are not just thorough but also acutely adapted to each client's distinct needs.

Our dedication to implementation of audit recommendations using technology translates into a superior service as one of the key measures of a successful internal audit function is the track record in implementation of the audit recommendations by the Company to improve its systems and internal controls.

By identifying and refining key processes & systems, we empower businesses to maintain a competitive edge. This meticulous approach not only strengthens internal controls but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement, positioning our clients at the forefront of excellence and operational efficiency.

We seek to become your strategic partner and add value to the business beyond “assurance”. We conduct thorough evaluations that lead to actionable insights, ensuring that every aspect of the operation aligns with the industry’s best practices and company’s strategic goals.

Mahajan & Aibara stands out for offering global internal audit services that provide access to India's specialized and cost-efficient talent. With over 40 years of experience, we've mastered the intricacies of international business, delivering internal audits that align with varied regulations, cultures, and industry specifics.

Our strategy harnesses India's skilled workforce—Chartered Accountants, Certified Internal Auditors, MBAs, and Engineers—to provide clients with affordable, high-caliber audit solutions. Dedicated to excellence and client satisfaction, we use offshoring to bolster our global offerings. Our approach ensures clients benefit from bespoke, cost-effective internal audit services that surpass expectations and contribute to their competitive strength worldwide.

At Mahajan & Aibara, our forensic team is pivotal in assisting businesses which are susceptible to fraud, penalties on account of noncompliance, to ever evolving regulations and commercial disputes with business partners. We conduct thorough investigations for any untoward incidents and provide businesses with conclusive evidence to take actionable steps in the right direction.

We also help businesses to carry out Fraud Risk Assessment, regulatory related reviews such as ABC violations, FCPA non compliances, conducting forensic training and assisting with any dispute related advisory services.